Welcome to nursery Coonen
Coonen nursery is specialized in growing ornamental shrubs for traders, garden centres and tree nurseries. We have more than 700 different species of plant in our collection. The company is located on two sites and covers a total area of 18.5 hectares. The main site is in Baarlo. The second site, which covers a total area of 4.5 hectares, was opened in nearby Kessel in 2006. Throughout the year, we have a wide range of evergreen and deciduous shrubs, which are available in two, three or five litre containers.
The company is divided into :
- 3 hectares of greenhouses (both glass and plastic film);
- 2,6 hectares of foil tunnels;
- container fields and a peat area.
We produce 85% of our starting material ourselves. More than 60% of the products sold go abroad through our own export or via traders, mainly to Belgium, Great Britain and France and, to a lesser extent, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Norway. The rest is sold to garden centres in the Netherlands.
This website gives you a good impression of our company. However, the best introduction is to pay a visit to our nursery. If you are interested in this or would like more information, we warmly invite you to make an appointment with us.
With best regards,
René Coonen
Richard Coonen
Rob Coonen
v.l.n.r. Richard Coonen, Rob Coonen, René Coonen